July 24, 2024

EC Report: Political pressure on Serbian judiciary still high, concern over safety of journalists

Political pressure on the judiciary and the prosecution service in Serbia remains high, says the European Commission (EC) 2024 …

Kosovo’s Ruling Party, Broadcaster, Accused of ‘Smearing’ Two Media

Public broadcaster says it will investigate the publication of an article from a Bosnian media outlet, which Kosovo’s Journalists’ …

SafeJournalists: Vetëvendosje Movement MPs to Stop Dangerous Smear Campaign Against Kosovo Media

Following the airing of an article from a Bosnian media outlet “Slobodna Bosna” (English: Free Bosnia) on Kosovo’s Public …

2024 Rule of Law Report highlights the need to sanction those who violate press freedom in Europe

On 24 July 2024, the European Commission published its annual Rule of Law Report, which includes the assessment of …

Freelance journalists are most vulnerable with press under pressure in Europe

EFJ Freelance Expert Group (FREG) co-chairs, Renske Heddema (Dutch union of journalists – NVJ) and Oddrun Mitbø (Norwegian union …