Freedom House: Serbian authorities undermine media
Freedom House said in its latest report that the Serbian authorities have undermined the media. “Serbia under the leadership
Freedom House said in its latest report that the Serbian authorities have undermined the media. “Serbia under the leadership
Azerbaijan is continuing its repression by arresting more journalists and creating an environment in which media that are not aligned
The European and the International Federations of Journalists (EFJ-IFJ) join their Ukrainian affiliates, in condemning the killing of Ukrainian journalist
N1 Slovenia said on Wednesday that the University Psychiatric Clinic in Ljubljana filed six lawsuits against that media outlet.
The SafeJournalists network is concerned about the pressures and attacks that have been happening for the past few days and
The National Convention on the European Union (NCEU) condemns the raid by armed members of the Criminal Police Directorate on
We strongly condemn today’s invasion of the premises of non-governmental organizations by armed police without a proper court order.
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