Danas daily targeted by right-wing organization

source: Danas/B.C,

Danas daily and its editor in chief Dragoljub Petrovic were targeted by a right-wing organization a day after the newspaper was criticized by Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic in a live appearance on the state TV (RTS).


Flyers were deposited in the entrance of the Danas building signed by the Conservative Movement Nasi. The flyers featured a picture of Petrovic with a traditional Albanian cap with an image of Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA) leader Adem Jashari (considered a hero among the Kosovo Albanians and a terrorist by the Serbs). The words “You’re not Draza, you’re Adem” are printed on the flyers. A picture of WW2 Yugoslav Royal Army commander Dragoljub Mihailovic is also on the flyers. Petrovic shares the nickname Draza with Mihailovic. A Danas logo is next to a logo of Pristina daily Koha Ditore.


Independent Journalists Association of Serbia (NUNS) condemned the behavior of public officials and called them and President Aleksandar Vucic to stop targeting journalists because that is direct threat to their safety, adding that Vucic targeted Danas after the latest incident in Kosovo and accused N1 reporter Sanja Sovrlic of insinuating that the Serbian authorities were providing weapons to Kosovo Serbs.


Other flyers deposited by the Nasi organization included opposition leaders with the Albanian caps and the words Kurti’s opposition next to a picture of Kosovo Prime Minister Albin Kurti.


Vucic criticized Danas for its article on Serb List official Milan Radoicic accusing the daily of helping destroy Serbia.


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