At today’s meeting between the trade unions, representatives of media associations, and the management of Radio-Television of Vojvodina (RTV), an agreement was reached for RTV’s management to initiate several key processes in line with the demands of employees and unions.
RTV General Director Goran Karadžić signed a request to announce a competition for the selection of all seven editors-in-chief and program directors, who have been serving in acting positions for years. The competition will be published in two media outlets, with an application deadline of 30 days. Karadžić emphasized that all candidates must submit a program development plan along with their application.
Regarding the dismissal of Nenad Ćaćić, acting editor-in-chief of RTV’s First Program, the issue remains open until the competition is concluded. Karadžić clearly stated he is not prepared to request Ćaćić’s dismissal at this point, but confirmed that the position will be included in the upcoming competition.
As for the demand to adopt a new job classification system, the director explained that without leveling the coefficients, as recommended by the State Audit Institution, it is not realistic to implement the new classification at this time.
Negotiations on the new Collective Agreement are scheduled to continue on Friday, with an expectation to finalize it by May 11th, when the current agreement expires. Karadžić expressed hope that an agreement will be reached even earlier.
The request for a one-time financial aid of 15,000 dinars for employees was assessed as unrealistic at the moment. However, the director indicated a willingness to discuss the possibility of such a payment later in the year, potentially before the annual leave period, or by RTV Day, November 29th, at the latest. The financial director is expected to provide an assessment next week and invite union representatives for discussions.
It was also agreed that the director will receive a delegation of protesting students within the next seven days, with union mediation.
Regarding the police presence in the RTV building, Karadžić stated that this is a decision made by security services based on an assessment that there is a risk of an attempt to forcibly enter the building. Today, official notice was sent to employees explaining the reasons for the police presence. The decision to withdraw the police is not within RTV management’s authority.
Following the meeting, representatives of journalists’ and media associations and unions sent a written letter to the general director requesting a formal written response to each individual demand made by Darko Šper, in the hope that their colleague will soon decide to end his hunger strike. The letter can be viewed here (in Serbian).
The meeting was attended by: Stevan Ristić (AS MEDI), Ana Lalić Hegediš (NDNV), Predrag Novković (KUM Nezavisnost), Tamara Filipović Stevanović (NUNS), Maja Sever (EFJ), Dejan Jocić (RTV Trade Union), Marko Čalić (RTV Managing Board Member), Goran Karadžić (General Director of RTV), Deputy General Director Sanja Kužić Jašarević, and Managing Board Member Jožef Klem.