SafeJournalists: Concerns Over Recent Events Impacting Journalists in Albania

In light of recent events targeting journalists in Albania, the SafeJournalists Network feels compelled to voice concerns and seek …

Information Minister says draft media laws foundations for free journalism

Serbia’s Information and Telecommunications Minister Mihailo Jovanovic said on Thursday that the draft media laws being presented by the …

Kosovo Bans Serbia Sport TV Channels Over Messages ‘Glorifying’ Banjska Attack

Regulator tells cable networks to stop carrying Serbia-based sport channels after they showed viewers’ messages praising the Serb gunmen …

Serbia: New draft media laws represent another step backward for media freedom

The European Federation of Journalists (EFJ) joined partner organisations of the Media Freedom Rapid Response (MFRR) today in raising …

IMC bans Arena Sport from broadcasting in Kosovo

Kosovo’s Independent Media Commission (IMC) has decided to ban the broadcasting of the Arena Sport TV channels by distribution …

IPI: Convicted killers of journalist Slavko Ćuruvija must not be acquitted

IPI renews call for justice to be secured as speculation mounts about potential acquittals   The International Press Institute …

Danas daily targeted by right-wing organization

Danas daily and its editor in chief Dragoljub Petrovic were targeted by a right-wing organization a day after the …

IJAS: President Vucic and Other Political Actors to Stop Targeting Journalists

Independent Journalists’ Association of Serbia (IJAS) condemns the behavior of high-ranking government officials and calls on the President of …

Croatian journalists’ organisations signed new cooperation agreement with the police

A new Cooperation agreement was signed on 22 September 2023 between the Croatian Ministry of the Interior, the Croatian …

Danas threatened with arson attack

The Danas daily received threats via Facebook in a comment on its article entitled “What is the role of …