‘People’s Headquarters’ group in front of N1 building, police informed

Several dozen citizens, a group calling itself the “People’s Headquarters”, gathered in front of the N1 TV building, where …

Serbia: Support for N1 journalists facing increasing threats and intimidation

Around 30 people broke into the courtyard of Serbian television channel N1 to express their discontent with the media …

Strike at Serbian state TV

Staff at the Serbian state TV (RTS) went on strike at 2 pm on Thursday after the station managers …

SafeJournalists Network and MFRR Urgent Appeal: Protecting Journalists in Kosovo Amid Escalating Attacks

The current political developments in Kosovo have once again stirred up an atmosphere that hinders the ability of journalists …

IJAS: Unacceptable Interference in the Work of TV N1 Journalists

Independent Journalists’ Association of Serbia (IJAS) condemns the chase on N1 television, which has been intensified by the authorities …

Serbia: Legal harassment of investigative media outlet KRIK must stop

The legal harassment against Serbian investigative media outlet KRIK continues as the portal was convicted for reporting on a …

SafeJournalists: Journalists’ Safety at Stake in North of Kosovo

The current political occurrences in Kosovo have once more stirred up an atmosphere that has hindered the ability of …

IJAS: Police to Protect Journalists During Public Gatherings

The Independent Journalists’ Association of Serbia (IJAS) calls on the police to secure and protect all journalists and media …

Coalition for Media Freedom: Authorities to Stop Targeting Professional Media

The Coalition for Media Freedom strongly condemns the statements of the government representatives, Prime Minister Ana Brnabic and Serbian …

Journalists’ and Media Associations: We Request Initiation of Procedure for Dismissal of REM Council Members

Journalists’ and media associations and trade unions request the initiation of proceedings for the dismissal of members of the …