SafeJournalists: Inadmissible behavior of the police against journalists in Bosnia and Herzegovina

Nikola Moraca, a journalist of the newspaper EuroBlic and the portal SrpskaInfo, was questioned by the police and asked …

One-year anniversary of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine: journalism under attack

Today, one year after the Russian Federation launched a full-scale invasion of Ukraine, the Partner Organisations to the Safety …

You Have to Be a Superwoman: Experiences and Issues Facing Female Investigative Journalists

Investigative journalists are engaged in uncovering important facts that someone wants to cover up, often pitting them against the …

IFJ suspends Russian union

The RUJ’s membership was suspended, with immediate effect, after the Executive endorsed a “provisional decision to expel”, the maximum …

Turkey: “Journalists reporting from earthquake-affected areas face safety, hygiene and health problems”

Two weeks after the terrible earthquake that shook Northern Syria and Eastern Turkey, Kenan Şener, Secretary General of the …

SLAPPs in Bosnia and Herzegovina

Strategic Lawsuit Against Public Participation are one of the main threats to press freedom in the Western Balkans, as …

Slovakia: Fifth anniversary of Kuciak and Kušnírová’s killing marked by fragile press freedom progress

Five years after the assassination of Já​​n Kuciak and Martina Kušnírová, Slovak judges are nearing their judgment in the …

Russia: journalist sentenced to six years in prison for Telegram post

Russian journalist Maria Ponomarenko has been jailed for six years for posting on Telegram about a deadly attack by …

SafeJournalists: Support to the Macedonian March – for the Defense of Journalist Dignity

The SafeJournalists Network, which gathers more than 8,200 media professionals in the Western Balkans, joins its member, the Association …

BIRN Sued Over ‘Marijuana Farm’ Court Case Coverage

A preliminary hearing in Predrag Koluvija’s defamation lawsuit against BIRN, claiming that the organisation incorrectly conveyed facts about his …