Threat of violence against Danas daily

Danas daily editor in chief Dragoljub Petrovic received an email threatening violence against that independent newspaper and its staff. …

Serbia’s KRIK Media Fined for Reporting Claims About Minister’s Crime Ties

A court in Serbia headed by Judge Natasa Petricevic Milisavljevic fined investigative media outlet KRIK for publishing news from …

Coalition for Media Freedom and SafeJournalists Network: Dangerous Threats to Danas Daily Journalists to be Urgently Investigated

The Coalition for Media Freedom and SafeJournalists Network are requesting from the responsible institutions of the Republic of Serbia …

Coalition for Media Freedom: KRIK Verdict Threatens Freedom to Report on Court Proceedings

On Wednesday, November 3, 2022, the information was published on the official web portal of Serbian courts that judge …

SafeJournalists: Threats to Bosnian Columnist and Journalist Dragan Bursac on Instagram

Dragan Bursac, journalist and columnist from Bosnia and Herzegovina, received threats on his Instagram profile.   Person registered with …

A majority of female journalists in North Macedonia face online harassment

The European Federation of Journalists (EFJ) is worried by the results of a new study by the Platform for Investigative Journalism and …

IJAS: Serbian List to Stop Discriminating Professional Media

The Independent Journalists’ Association of Serbia (IJAS) sent a letter to the Serbian List in Kosovo, demanding that they …

SafeJournalists: #SHEDLIGHT on Cases of Attacks and Threats against Journalists

  The International Day to End Impunity for Crimes against Journalists is marked today, November 2. The SafeJournalists network …

IJAS: Investigate all the circumstances of the attack on journalist Tamara Tankosic

The journalist of the Radio-television of Serbia (RTS), Tamara Tankosic, was verbally and physically attacked by a woman unknown …

SafeJournalist: Threats to journalists of the Center for Investigative Journalism in Bosnia and Herzegovina

Zoran Cegar, head of the Uniformed Police Sector of the Federal Police Administration (FPA) in Bosnia and Herzegovina, threatened …