Turkey: Eleven journalists arrested following raids

On 25 October 2022, eleven journalists were arrested following raids on their homes in the cities of Ankara, Istanbul, …

RSF supports an investigative journalist targeted by a gag lawsuit in Serbia which provides especially fertile grounds for judicial harassment

A reporter of the investigative outlet KRIK risks a prison sentence over a piece exposing secret business practices of …

Media landscape filled with prejudice: Portrayal of Roma people in Serbian media

Roma people are usually only given space in the media when it is either World Roma Day or through …

SafeJournalists: New regulation of the High Prosecution Council violates media freedom in Albania

The High Prosecution Council (HPC) announced on Tuesday, 11 October, via the Whatsapp application the approval of the new …

SafeJournalists: Former state official in Croatia addressed journalist in an unacceptable and inappropriate way

On Friday, 15 October, former Croatian Democratic Union (HDZ) MP Steva Culej, currently the president of the Association of …

EFJ’s Mustafa Kuleli: New disinformation law could erase last remnants of freedom in Turkey

Turkey’s parliament yesterday approved a tough new media law that provides for up to three years in prison for …

IJAS: The comic group “The Boys” issued a warning against the state and the attackers of the exhibition

The members of the comics group “The Boys” decided to deliver a warning to the state, as well as …

Coalition for Media Freedom: REM to demonstrate its independence and respect of media freedom

In its Report on Serbia’s progress in the implementation of reforms and European integration, the European Commission noted what …

Journalists and media associations: Investigate who in the Ministry of Internal Affairs (MUP) hid evidence in the “Dragojlo Blagojevic case”

Journalists’ and media associations demand that the authorities determine who is responsible for hiding key evidence in the case …

SafeJournalists: Inadmissible behavior of judicial authorities in the case of an attack on a journalist in Montenegro

The SafeJournalists network is concerned about the inadequate action of the judicial authorities in the case of the attack …