BAJ statement: Verdicts in the “BelaPAN case” are revenge for professional activity and position

The Minsk Regional Court sentenced journalists of the oldest independent news agency BelaPAN to long terms of imprisonment.   …

World Day for Decent Work: Time for wage justice in journalism

To mark World Day for Decent Work (WDDW) on 7 October the International Federation of journalists (IFJ), the world’s …

UN: IFJ leads call for action to fight impunity

The campaign for a new binding international instrument dedicated to the safety of journalists has been formally launched at …

3 Media Fundraising Campaigns in the Western Balkans to Inspire and Learn From

In the last couple of years, crowdfunding (or online fundraising in general) has become a common topic among, primarily, …

SafeJournalists: Stop continuous attacks on journalist Hadzifejzovic and his family in BiH

Editor of Sarajevo-based Face Television, Senad Hadzifejzovic, has been a victim of verbal attacks and insults by the Party …

Coalition for Media Freedom: “Informer” Violated the Serbian Journalists’ Code of Ethics

The Coalition for Media Freedom strongly condemns the decision of the “Informer” daily to publish an interview with the …

Will the „Ćuruvija case“ end in December, after almost a quarter of a century?

The upcoming December could bring the long-awaited decision of the Court of Appeal and the end of the drama …

How to use open source intelligence data to debunk Russian disinformation

Aself-described “college nerd” sat on a porch in Birmingham, Alabama, explaining via Zoom how he runs one of the …

Russia: 18 journalists arrested during anti-war protests

Over 1,300 people, including 18 journalists, were detained across Russia on Wednesday as rallies against a military mobilization declared …

Albania: Media must not face criminal prosecution for public interest reporting

Media freedom groups raise concern over heavy-handed response   The undersigned media freedom and journalist associations today express our …