Coalition for Media Freedom: Dangerous Targeting on national television Pink

The Coalition for Media Freedom expresses great concern over the broadcast of the pogrom pamphlet “Meta Family” on Pink …

IJAS: It is inadmissible to restrict the work of journalists in the Serbian Parliament

Namely, journalist Jasmina Dobrilovic tried to get a statement from the President of the Serbian Parliament Ivica Dacic in …

Serbia: Wave of lawsuits against investigative portal KRIK chills media freedom

We, the undersigned partners of the Media Freedom Rapid Response (MFRR),  express our concerns over the recent wave of …

N1 TV journalist wins award for Linglong story

Pavkov reported extensively on the bad living and working conditions that the Vietnamese nationals were forced to endure. One …

SJ: Albanian young woman journalist assaulted in Tirana

Blerjana Bino, Safe Journalists researcher in Albania, stated that “this is particularly sensitive case because Demushaj is a very …

Nova.rs portal gets top ranking in SmartOcto competition

The SmartOcto competition is organized by the Croatian MediaDaily.biz portal. The N1 portal came in second and the Danas …

Cascade of Frivolous Lawsuits Endangers Top Serbian Investigative Journalism Outlet KRIK

Operating in a country where journalists are subjected to almost daily attacks from the ruling elite and pro-government media, …

SJ: Journalists from N1 Serbia received new threats

They received threats via Twitter post and an e-mail. The Twitter post by user @JerinaOpicena called for people to …

Penal Code amendments require an open and comprehensive debate

The Media Freedom Rapid Response (MFRR), the Independent Journalists’ Association of Serbia (IJAS) and the Lawyers’ Committee for Human …

Serbian media watchdog says remarks against Tepic were discriminatory

The Regulatory Body for Electronic Media (REM) said in a report that the statements by war-time paramilitary leader Dragoslav Bokan …