English language course and two workshops for journalists

Project title: English language course and two workshops for journalists (Digital tools for credible reporting and fact-checking and mobile …

Freelance journalists “freed” from all rights

Project title: Freelance journalists “freed” from all rights   Donor: Ministry of Culture and Information   Realization time: 01.06.2021-31.12.2021. …

SafeJournalists Network

Project name: SafeJournalists Network   Donor: Civil Rights Defenders   Realization time: 01.03.2021 – 31.12.2023.   The role of …

SJ: Public condemnation for obstructing the work of journalists during the elections in the Republic of North Macedonia

The Association of Journalists of Macedonia (AJM) strongly condemned these obstructions and asked from the State Election Committee and the …

Public call for CSO Support Program “safejournalists.net”

The network SafeJournalists, whose members are the Independent Journalists Association of Serbia, Association of BH Journalists, Croatian Journalists Association, …

IJAS: Threats made by Zoran Cirjakovic must be stopped

The threats were sent from the account „Autosovinizam voc ponistenog Dzendera Vukadinovica“ on Twitter, behind which, we justifiably doubt, …

Belgrade happy with EC ‘limited progress’ report

Both were happy with parts of the report saying Serbia made limited progress in some areas but did not …

EWB: EC warns of Serbia’s slow progress in fighting organised crime&corruption

The EC’s annual report covering the period from October 2020 to October 2021 also said that the Council of …

TS: Media supervisory body not in line with Serbia’s law; Belgrade: Ask EP

He added that the new Body is a Government’s working body and could transfer to it only own powers. …

Demostat: TVs with national frequency serve regime in Serbia

However, the reporting of the privately-owned TV channels, which become the platforms for promoting the ruling Serbian Progressive Party, …