BiH court rules in favor of United Media in two lawsuits by Telekom Srbija

Source: United Media

In a resounding victory for United Media, the recent judgments handed down by the Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina in administrative dispute proceedings have unequivocally affirmed the company’s commitment to fair competition and adherence to positive competition laws. The rulings come in response to two requests filed by Telekom Srbija before the Competition Council of Bosnia and Herzegovina in 2021. Both cases related to United Media’s partnership with international media conglomerates – CNN International and Newsmax Media Inc. We are proud to confirm that United Media’s partnerships were resolutely defended, resulting in the rejection of all Telekom Srbija’s claims.


Specifically, the Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina in its judgments from November 2023 not only rejected all Telekom Srbija’s claims, and confirmed decisions issued by the Competition Council of Bosnia and Herzegovina, but also confirmed that broadcasting of the TV channel N1 is being offered on transparent and non-discriminatory basis to all cable operators in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Furthermore, in its decision on broadcasting of N1, the Court has confirmed that Telekom Srbija, as a distributor of TV channels, is not actively legitimized for initiating proceedings before the Council of Competition challenging an agreement that does not concern the TV program distribution market. However, the Court, just like the Competition Council of Bosnia and Herzegovina, recognized that Telekom Srbija is initiating proceedings against United Media and its affiliates notwithstanding of the fact that Telekom Srbija is neither a competitor of United Media, nor has it expressed interest in acquiring content that is part of legal cooperation between United Media and CNN International. The same conclusions were presented by the Court in second judgment which confirmed that the cooperation between United Media and Newsmax Media Inc. fully meets all legal standards in Bosnia and Herzegovina and provides viewers of the TV channel Nova BH with the highest quality informative content.


Moreover, in the abovementioned judgments, the Court expressly confirmed that every TV channel on the market has the possibility to increase the attractiveness of its content and acquire informative content from international media conglomerates, thereby raising the quality standard of content available to end users. Therefore, these judgments serve as a benchmark for ethical business practices within the industry, emphasizing the importance of substantiated claims and evidence in competition-related disputes. The rulings highlight United Media’s dedication to transparent and lawful business operations, setting a standard for others in the telecommunications sector. As our Company continues to navigate the dynamic landscape of the media industry, these legal triumphs stand as a testament to United Media’s unwavering dedication to fair and ethical business practices.


Source: N1


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