
RSF and 16 partners unveil Paris Charter on AI and Journalism

On November 10th, 2023, Reporters Without Borders (RSF) and 16 partner organisations published the Paris Charter on AI and …

Israel: IFJ condemns threats to lives based on unproven allegations of photojournalists having prior knowledge of Hamas attack

On 8 November, pro-Israel media watchdog Honest Reporting raised questions about the possible prior knowlege of Gaza-based freelance photojournalists working for …

Palestine: At least thirty-four journalists and media workers killed in Gaza

In such dangerous conditions, the IFJ reminds journalists on the ground to take precautions, wear professional safety equipment and …

SafeJournalists Network Sent Letter of Concern the Assembly of the Republic of Albania

The SafeJournalists Network sent a letter of concern to the Speaker of the Assembly of the Republic of Albania …

Serbia: Journalists’ union leaders will meet Information Minister to tackle unlawful precarious work at Radio Television Vojvodina

The campaign, backed by the IFJ as part of its Union to Union (UTU) project, has exposed the unjust …

Palestine: At least thirty-two journalists and media workers killed in Gaza

In such dangerous conditions, the IFJ reminds journalists on the ground to take precautions, wear professional safety equipment and …

United Media brings Forbes to Serbia

„United Media is proud to announce the launch of five licensed digital editions of the renowned global business magazine …

United Kingdom: First Anti-SLAPP law adopted

Under the Act, which aims to implement reforms to tackle economic crime and improve transparency over corporate entities, the …

EMFA: EFJ joins coalition calling for safeguards for independent public service media

Maja Sever, EFJ President, said: “The weakening of Article 5 is unthinkable for anyone who sincerely wants media pluralism …

Open letter: “We refuse to let the anti-SLAPP directive be a missed opportunity”

These provisions include first and foremost a strong early dismissal mechanism for all SLAPPs. If the Directive fails to …