Press releases

SJ: Verbal and physical attacks on journalists at a protest in Croatia

While reporting from the protest directed against the government of Andrej Plenkovic and the HDZ (The Croatian Democratic Union) …

Three freedoms platform: Anything but the security guarantee of “EuroPride 2022” is a defeat for the state

The “Three Freedoms” platform calls on the competent institutions to clearly and unambiguously guarantee the safe holding of “EuroPride …

IJAS: Institutions to protect Nenad Zivkovic

In the controversial text published on the aforementioned website, Zivkovic was attacked with primitive and street insults and was …

SJ: Threats to a journalist in Croatia for exposing fraud

A young journalist from Zadarski list, Toni Perinic, received threats on August 9, 2022, after investigating a case of …

Serbia: REM’s awarding of TV licences underscores media pluralism and media diversity failure

Serbia’s Regulatory Body for Electronic Media (REM) has recently concluded the process of awarding four national FTA TV licences. …

Coalition for media freedom: REM has made its own existence pointless

Yesterday, REM (Regulatory authority for electronic media) published a short explanation regarding the decision to re-assign national coverage licenses …

SJ: Threats to journalists of Radio Gorazdevac in Kosovo

After the article was published on the website on August 4 about the suspension of D.B, the commander …

Milica Saric new director of CINS

The executive board of the Independent Journalists Association of Serbia (IJAS) accepted the resignation of Branko Cecen as director …

IJAS: Find out who takes down the KoSSev website every time there is a crisis in relations between Belgrade and Pristina

The Independent Journalists Association of Serbia calls on the competent authorities to conduct an investigation and determine who caused …

Coalition for media freedom: REM’s decision is a continuation of media darkness in Serbia

At today’s session, which was closed to the public, the Council of REM (Regulatory authority for electronic media) decided …