Press releases

Coalition for media freedom: The pressure on Jelena Zoric must stop

Former State Secretary in the Ministry of Internal Affairs Dijana Hrkalovic, who was accused of abuse of official position, …

Urgently stop violence and intimidation, institutions belong to citizens

Civil society organizations gathered around the “Three Freedoms” Platform urgently request the MUP(The Ministry of Internal Affairs) to protect …

SJ: Journalists in Bosnia and Herzegovina have been receiving death threats for three months

Since this May, the editorial staff of the Banja Luka portal eTrafika has been receiving death threats via the …

IJAS: Lav Pajkic should apologize for comparing journalists to Ustashas

Member of Parliament from the list of the Serbian Progressive Party, Lav Grigorije Pajkic, compared media Danas, N1 and …

IJAS: TV Pink promotes Hague defendants who attack journalists

Former radical leader and Hague convict Vojislav Seselj, during a guest appearance on the “Novo jutro” show on Pink …

SJ: A journalist in Serbia received death threats over the phone

“Is that you Dragojlo? Is that the deceased, who died a year ago? Oh no, he is not dead …

Coalition for Media Freedom: Extremely dangerous attack on Nedim Sejdinovic

The Coalition for Media Freedom strongly condemns the most mundane insults that an official of the ruling Serbian Progressive …

SJ: Kosovo MP’s narrative toward media endangers media freedom

Fitore Pacolli, MP of ruling party Lëvizja Vetëvendosje, in her speech today in the Assembly of the Republic of …

IJAS: Pressure on journalists in Vranje again

After the harassment of OK Radio journalists, Vranje journalists from Vranje are once again the target of pressure, this …

SJ: The prime minister of Albania banned the journalist to attend press conferences

Klevin Muka asked Minister Olta Xhaçka about her conflict of interest as a minister and her husband as a …