Condemnation of the attack on Zoran Sekulić and the N1 TV crew

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The Independent Association of Journalists of Serbia condemns the threats received by Zoran Sekulic, editor in chief of FoNet news agency and the attacks and obstructions experienced by the journalists of N1 Television, and demands from the competent authorities to react and investigate these cases and prosecute the perpetrators.

After appearing on N1 morning tv show, Zoran Sekulic received a threatening and insulting message via the social network Facebook, while N1 journalists Vanja Djuric and Filip Lukic were disturbed, insulted and shot with eggs during a protest of opponents of vaccination and extremist organizations. In case of obstruction of the work of the TV N1 team, we commend the reaction of the members of the police who enabled the journalists to continue reporting.

Unfortunately, these cases are just a continuation threat to the safety of independent and professional journalists in Serbia, which is a consequence of the negative atmosphere in society created primarily by government officials and regime media, but also the selective approach of competent authorities to attacks on journalists. Following the example of powerful politicians, many citizens give themselves the right to insult, slander and attack journalists and media workers, and the frequent disinterest and even obstruction of the competent authorities make it impossible for numerous cases of attacks and pressure to be processed and received a court epilogue.

NUNS will inform the competent authorities about the latest cases, record it in the Database of attacks and pressures on journalists and inform international organizations about them.


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