Danas threatened with arson attack

source: Danas/B.C,

The Danas daily received threats via Facebook in a comment on its article entitled “What is the role of the SPC (Serbian Orthodoc Church) in the tragic events in Kosovo.”


Danas reported that the article had a fairy large number of comments many of which contained offensive messages addressed to the daily’s journalists and news desk.


However, one of the comments, which calls for the news desk to be burned down, is particularly worrying.


“There won’t be any mention of them once they are burned down,” wrote one of the commenters to Danas’ post on Facebook.


The threats have been reported to the Prosecutor’s Office for High-Tech Crime.


This is not the first time that threats are addressed to Danas. In November last year an email was sent to Danas editor-in-chief Dragoljub Petrovic’s official email address that threatened “salvos of bullets” against the daily’s journalists, editors and columnists, along with a message that Danas will share the fate of Charlie Hebdo.


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