Freelance journalists “freed” from all rights

Foto: Pixabay

Project title: Freelance journalists “freed” from all rights


Donor: Ministry of Culture and Information


Realization time: 01.06.2021-31.12.2021.


The role of IJAS: project holder


Budget: RSD 1,265,000.00


About the project:


The purpose of this project is to contribute to the professional and legal empowerment of freelance journalists and other media professionals to access their labor rights. This purpose will be fulfilled through conducting research and preparing reports on the position of freelance journalists, getting acquainted with the results of research and recommendations of at least 3,000 media professionals, but also the general public and decision makers through the organization of public events, activities on social networks. The sustainability of the project will be ensured through the consideration of the proposed recommendations and their implementation in the relevant laws and bylaws.


General goal:  improvement of the socio-economic position of journalists and other media professionals, with special emphasis on the rights of freelance journalists, in order to improve the quality of informing citizens.


Specific objective: mapping the positions and rights of freelance journalists and other media professionals and making recommendations for their improvement.


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