Gruhonjic urges EU to stop turning blind eye to terror against journalists in Serbia

photo: Medija centar Beograd

University professor and program director of the Independent Association of Vojvodina Journalists (NDNV) Dinko Gruhonjic urged European Union (EU) officials to stop turning a blind eye to the terror of the regime against journalists in Serbia.


Speaking at a news conference in Brussels, organized by the Council of Europe on the occasion of publishing of the latest annual report about media freedom in Europe, Gruhonjic said that independent journalists in Serbia were also fighting for European values.


“We, independent journalists from Serbia, are convinced that, by advocating for the freedom of reporting, we also advocate for the fundamental values of the European Union. Unfortunately, we must acknowledge at the same time that certain officials of EU countries have kept silent for too long on the terror that we are exposed to by the regime. That is why we urge them to immediately cease such harmful practice, before it is too late,” Gruhonjic said.


He said that students and civil protests against the corrupt authoritarian regime had been going on in Serbia for months now, with hundreds of thousands in the streets demanding justice for the 15 victims of the tragedy in Novi Sad, where a canopy of the newly reconstructed main train station collapsed on November 1 last year.


Gruhonjic pointed out that the regime in Serbia views independent journalists as one of their greatest enemies, considering that almost all institutions have been captured and destroyed.


Source: N1


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