IJAS: Stop Hooligan threats Addressed to Brankica Stankovic

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Independent Journalists’ Association of Serbia (IJAS) demands that the Prosecutor’s Office initiate an investigation and prosecute the hooligans who again insulted and threatened Brankica Stankovic, the editor in chief of TV Insider, at last night’s KK “Partizan” match.


Bearing in mind that because of the explicit threats sent to her 14 years ago, Brankica Stankovic lived under police protection, we believe that the Prosecutor’s Office should have reacted and initiated proceedings against members of hooligan groups that openly endanger the safety of anyone who points out the danger of their actions.


At the same time, we indicate to the leaders of our biggest sport clubs, who insist on stopping the game when members of their families are insulted, to do the same in the case of Brankica Stankovicc, and that those fans stay away from the game. 


After last year’s scandalous shouts from the stands addressed to Brankica Stankovic, at the Partizan-Buducnost basketball game, which took place in front of a full hall and was broadcast on television, none of the authorities reacted.


It is the duty of the holders of executive, legislative and judicial power to prove that the state is stronger than hooligans through concrete actions, not declarative statements and announcements. Institutions must not underestimate these threats, especially considering that the murders of Slavko Curuvija, Milan Pantic and Dada Vujasinovic have not yet received a final judicial epilogue.


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