Incident in front of N1 building

photo: N1

Activists of a minor ruling coalition party gathered in front of the N1 TV building protesting loudly on Thursday.


The activists, identified as members of deputy Prime Minister Aleksandar Vulin’s Movement of Socialists, chanting Serbia, Serbia were confronted by people from nearby office buildings with police officers separating the two groups. The group of office workers chanted Pump, Pump (the slogan of the student protests) and booed the group of alleged pro-regime protesters in front of the N1 TV complex gate. That group which grew constantly also chanted Your Hands Are Bloody.


N1 Program Director Igor Bozic said that the police knew the pro-regime group would blockade the station entrance because they arrived before the protesters. “That gathering was not spontaneous. We can say for sure that the protest was organized by (deputy Prime Minister) Aleksandar Vulin,” he said.


N1 reporters asked people in the crowd for comments but was told that they would comment if they are invited into the N1 TV studios. The man said that this was a non-violent protest in defense of Serbia. The pro-regime group chanted Serbia, Serbia.


N1 journalists identified a deputy mayor of Novi Sad and several members of Deputy Prime Minister Aleksandar Vulin’s Movement of Socialists.


The group dispersed after about an hour to the cheers of the office workers who numbered at least 3 times more than the protesters. A group of police officers in riot gear were deployed at one side but did not intervene.


Source: N1


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