Information and Education: Online Campaign to Popularize Responsible Journalism

photo: canva

Project name: Information and education: Online campaign to popularize responsible journalism

Donor: Foundation for Internet and Society METAMORPHOSIS

Implementation period: March 1, 2024 – September 30, 2024

IJAS role: Project holder

Project partners: /


Budget: $3,500

In order to contribute to the suppression of disinformation and misinformation in Serbia, IJAS implements a positive narrative online campaign that will popularize professional, credible and responsible journalism and media, with a dual role: to inform and educate. The concepts that the campaign explains are grounded in the new Law on Public Information and Media.


The focus is on conveying the concepts that define the responsibility of journalists and the media towards the public and their professional ethics, so that citizens understand the notion of healthy information in the public interest as opposed to misinformation served by tabloid and sensationalist media and other non-professional sources.


The target audience is the wider Serbian public, i.e. citizens in the entire territory of the Republic of Serbia between the ages of 18 and 50, because this segment of the population is active on social networks. We reach them with creative multimedia posts on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.


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