Injustice, silence, hunger strike

Photo: IJAS

When and why did you decide to go on a hunger strike? What was the moment when you said – enough?


I began the strike on a Tuesday and ended it after seven days. I was on a hunger strike for a whole week. I chose this form of protest because all my previous efforts to persuade the employer to meet our demands—some of which have been ongoing for years—had failed. We negotiated, analysed, went on strike, and protested, but it was all in vain. “I said “enough” when I realized I had reached the limit of what I could achieve through regular means and that the demands the management refused to fulfil were deeply rooted in politics—involving personnel policy and finances.


What were your key demands toward RTV management? Are they a result of long-standing issues?


The key demands included dismissing the acting editor-in-chief of the First TV Program, announcing public job announcements for the positions of editors-in-chief of all seven programs and programming director, and equalising salaries for employees within the programme—which was already confirmed by the State Audit Institution three years ago.


We know most of the demands have been fulfilled, but the last one, the tenth, has not. Can you explain exactly what it’s about and why it matters to you?


The demand for salary alignment within the programme remains unresolved, so the director extended my strike by three additional days. He rejected every offer I made to resolve it. We went from asking for a new job classification system to requesting salary alinement based on the existing classification. I even proposed that around 300 employees receive a bonus over the next few months until the new classification is adopted. That was also rejected under the excuse that there was no money—even though employees in the finance department confirmed that the funds do exist. This demand is crucial because it would align employees’ salaries in minority-language radio and TV newsrooms with those in majority-language editorial teams.


Did you have direct contact with management during the strike? Were there any attempts at dialogue, or did they avoid talking?
During the first four days of the strike, the employer was consistently contacted, but then everything went silent. We negotiated directly with the management, led by the general director. Most progress was made on the second day. At the same time, the director later focused on stalling and avoiding explaining why there was supposedly no money for better pay for minority language newsroom staff.



You said he didn’t understand what social dialogue is. What exactly did you mean by that?


From the very start of his mandate, he approached collective bargaining and social dialogue unprofessionally.. He later claimed that he wasn’t familiar with the procedures and established practices within RTV and failed to consult with expert departments. He always came to meetings unprepared and relied solely on what his associates could tell him at the moment. Sometimes he made unrealistic promises and sometimes set deadlines that he consistently missed. He demonstrated a poor understanding of the Labour Law, our Collective Agreement, and very often the organisational structure itself.


How do you comment on the fact that the State Audit Institution’s recommendations haven’t been implemented, even three years after being issued? This is especially concerning since they are concerned about workers’ rights, including those working in minority-language newsrooms.


The only logical explanation is that the salaries in the First TV Program are so high that aligning them with the rest of the programming units would require substantial monthly expenditures. That’s why equalisation has been avoided all along. Meanwhile, other departments have adjusted salaries over the past three years. What surprises me is that the audit institution has never shown interest in intervening or forcing the employer to follow their recommendation.


You ended the strike for health reasons—I’m glad you did—and managed to secure most of your demands. What was personally the most challenging part of those seven days? Who was your most outstanding support?


I missed certain people and experiences from the outside world. Everything revolved around staying inside the building and spending time with colleagues who showed incredible empathy and solidarity. They recognised that my demands were also theirs and were ready to stand by me anytime. Many friends and my family came to visit. We all blended into a warm, friendly atmosphere, which helped me get through those difficult days. That synergy was my most outstanding support. Knowing that you matter to someone makes you realise your existence has a purpose.



What are the next steps? Will the Independence Union continue to push for all demands to be met?


Negotiations are still ongoing for some of the demands. I believe we’ll sign a new collective agreement in record time, and we’ll manage to convince the employees it’s easier to compensate precarious workers than to be sued for discrimination reasonably—which the audit institution has already confirmed. The UGS Independence Union and its president, Čedanka Andrić are now joining the negotiation We’re also counting on support from the EFJ (European Federation of Journalists), the OSCE, the Media Freedom Coalition, and even the EuropCommi


What’s the current atmosphere among RTV employees, especially those working in minority-language newsrooms?


The atmosphere among employees has never been worse. Some people working in the First TV Program act as if nothing is happening in society; some are simply indifferent, and the largest group seems to understand that change is urgently needed. This mindset has led to some refusing to do their jobs and even cancelling specific show recordings. Meanwhile, in the minority-language newsrooms, things remain unchanged—they continue to work at the highest standards for the lowest pay.



How can we help—as colleagues, unions, the public, and international organisations?


Keep the pressure on. Truth and justice must prevail. Solidarity and understanding are the keywords


Source: SNH


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