North Macedonia: Media coverage of tragedy in Kočani must respect journalistic ethics

photo: canva

News reporting on the nightclub fire in Kočani, in the eastern part of North Macedonia, which claimed the lives of at least 59 people on 16 March, must be in line with the IFJ’s Global Charter of Ethics. The International and the European Federations of Journalists (IFJ-EFJ) join their affiliates, the Independent Trade Union of Journalists and Media Workers (SSNM) and the Association of Journalists of Macedonia (AJM), in calling on journalists to stick to professional principles when covering the tragedy, including reporting accurately according to the facts, avoiding sensationalism and respecting the privacy of those affected by the tragedy.


In the early hours of 16 March, a fire broke out in an unlicensed nightclub in Kočani, a town in the eastern part of North Macedonia, killing at least 59 people and injuring hundreds at a concert attended by around 500 people. Media reports about the tragedy hit the headlines across North Macedonia, the Balkans and beyond, and left much to be desired with regards to professional standards and journalistic ethics.


The Association of Journalists of Macedonia (AJM) and the regulatory body Council for Media Ethics of Macedonia (CEMM) issued a statement on 16 March appealing to journalists and media outlets to respect the ethical principles of the Code of Journalists and professional standards while reporting on the tragic events. Specifically, they called on journalists to avoid sensationalism, only to report on verified information, to show empathy when interviewing those affected by the nightclub fire and to ensure impartial reporting. 


For its part, the IFJ draws attention to its Global Charter of Ethics and urges journalists and media outlets to respect professional ethical principles when covering tragic events. In particular, the Federation recalls the following articles: 


  • Article 1: “Respect for the facts and for the right of the public to truth is the first duty of the journalist.”
  • Article 5: “The notion of urgency or immediacy in the dissemination of information shall not take precedence over the verification of facts, sources and/or the offer of a reply.”
  • Article 8: “The journalist will respect privacy. He/she shall respect the dignity of the persons named and/or represented and inform the interviewee whether the conversation and other material is intended for publication. He/she shall show particular consideration to inexperienced and vulnerable interviewees.”


Article 8: Respect the dignity of those featured in the news 


On 17 March, the President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vučić, paid a visit to injured citizens of North Macedonia, who are being treated in the Clinical Center of Serbia (CCS), accompanied by a large number of journalists. Journalists’ unions and associations in Serbia and North Macedonia condemned the act of self-promotion as unethically unacceptable and highlighted that it could endanger the lives of those critically injured.


“Media workers who agreed to accompany the President during this visit participated in the exploitation of the injured. Exploiting and manipulating the emotions of victims and their families is a violation of journalistic ethics,” reads a statement from the Independent Journalists’ Association of Serbia (IJAS). 


Regarding unnecessary visits of high-ranking authorities to hospitals, the IFJ recalls journalists of Article 8 of the Global Charter of Ethics and their duty to respect the privacy and dignity of those not wanting to be featured in media reports. Patients have the right to remain anonymous, and media crews must not film injured people in such vulnerable conditions. Doing so is a serious breach of ethical norms and practices. 



Increased hostility from public representatives towards the media


In the aftermath of the tragedy, Macedonian journalists have observed the increasingly hostile behaviour of politicians and government representatives towards the media, with high-ranking officials being dismissive, evasive and deflecting responsibility by accusing media workers of manipulating their questions. This kind of behavior fosters self-censorship and undermines the quality of information reaching the public. To address this issue, the AJM has published a list of recommendations for politicians on how to engage with journalists during tragic events.


“In times of crisis and tragedy, the public has the right to accurate and timely information, and journalists must be able to work without pressure or restrictions. Transparent and responsible communication from public officials is crucial to maintaining public trust and ensuring that critical information reaches citizens without distortion or political exploitation,” reads the AJM’s recommendations. 


SSNM President Pavle Belovski said: “Journalists must respect professional ethical principles, especially at a time when society is experiencing collective trauma. Our work has an impact on citizens, and we must live up to it. The SSNM condemns hostile behaviour from authorities who accuse journalists of manipulating their questions when they are simply carrying out their duty of holding political representatives to account. Let journalists do their jobs”. 


IFJ General Secretary, Anthony Bellanger, said: “We express our heartfelt condolences to our colleagues in North Macedonia and extend our solidarity to those affected by the tragedy in Kočani. In these difficult times, the IFJ calls on journalists and media outlets to refer to the IFJ’s Global Charter of Ethics to fulfil their duty of informing the public in accordance with professional standards. Journalists must respect the dignity of the people quoted and/or represented” (Article 8) and ensure that the dissemination of information does not take precedence over the verification of facts and sources (Article 5)”.


Source: IFJ


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