IJAS chief says report shows Serbian journalism sick

photo: N1

Independent Journalists Association of Serbia (IJAS) chief Zeljko Bodrozic told N1 that the latest Press Council report shows that journalism in Serbia is sick.


The Press Council released its report for the second half of 2023 which said that there were more than 5,500 violations of the national Code of Journalism, mainly by the tabloid press.


“This monitoring tells us that the media scene is very bad, very toxic,” he said adding that the toxic effect over the past 10 years came from “the worst tabloids, not only in print but also electronic which have flooded Serbia”. According to Bodrozic, more than 90 percent of the media in Serbia are under the control of the ruling Serbian Progressive Party (SNS). He said all those media violate the code of journalism daily.


“The problem is that they are hate generators,” he said and warned that politicians, primarily from the ruling coalition, use those media are used to target political opponents.


The IJAS chief said that Serbia has good laws which are not implemented or are bypassed by the very people who should lead the way in implementing them.


Source: N1


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