Public apology to N1’s Tatalovic: My Facebook was hacked

source: N1

Zoran Andric, who heads the Youth Philharmonic Orchestra in Nis, issued an apology to N1 reporter Zaklina Tatalovic for the threats and insults directed at her from his Facebook profile, claiming that it was hacked.


In an email sent to N1, Andric explained that he had noticed difficulties accessing his Facebook profile over the past two months and said that he had no knowledge of the threats made against Tatalovic.


“Given my many obligations related to preparing for a concert, I did not pay attention to this issue. Unfortunately, this led to the situation where it appeared I had addressed Ms. Tatalovic. I also want to clarify that my vocabulary has never been and will never be akin to the way Mr. Vucicevic expresses himself on Informer TV, and he should be publicly called out and sued for it,” he wrote.


He extended his public apology to Zaklina Tatalovic, to N1, and NovaS, which reported on these threats, as well as to anyone else affected. Andric claims that his profile was suspended on Monday evening and that Facebook is demanding personal identification documents to verify his identity.


In closing, he said that as a person, an artist, and a citizen of Serbia, he “supports the students’ demands, in a democratic and peaceful manner, as befits academic citizens.”


Source: N1


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