Sabic: Media most frequently violating law are biggest budget beneficiaries

Credits: N1

Lawyer and Press Council member Rodoljub Sabic said that, according to serious media sphere research, the media outlets that most frequently violate the law are the biggest budget beneficiaries.


Sabic told Insajder TV that, when it comes to the media scene, all standards have practically been destroyed and erased, both those defined by state laws, and those contained in the journalism codes and rules.


He said that Serbia no longer functions as a legal state but as a party state, that all institutions have more or less been turned into facades, that they do not fulfill their main role or ensure the application of standards and laws but practically only transmit political will or arbitrariness and that, under such circumstances, there is no solution.


“If the laws were being enforced, if the ones we have had been consistently applied, and if the people who deserved punishment had actually been punished, we wouldn’t be in this situation,” stressed Sabic, Beta reported.


Regarding information leaks, Sabic said that certain media outlets or journalists are provided with information that is otherwise inaccessible.


“It is obvious that some media outlets, the ones favored by the government, have access to information that most media outlets trying to write objectively have no access to. The worst thing of all is that they not only have and carry information that is often such that, by the logic of things and by the letter of the law, should never be released, starting with the publishing of personal data to information the publication of which could, say, jeopardize some proceedings, but they also create and disseminate disinformation, thus brutally disturbing the public,” said Sabic.


These media outlets that violate the law and go by unpunished are the biggest budget beneficiaries, they get the funds that the state, society, Serbian citizens allocate for the purpose of advancing quality journalism.


Source: N1


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