The SafeJournalists Network strongly denounces the orchestrated smear campaign on social media targeting journalists and media outlets in North Macedonia. This campaign, led by former national television editor Dragan Pavlovich Latas, seeks to discredit independent journalism and undermine media freedom.
We are particularly alarmed by Latas’s use of social media to spread baseless accusations and share private images of respected journalists and media organizations, including the Investigative Reporting Lab (IRL), 360 Degrees, and BIRN Macedonia. Such actions not only harm individual journalists but also pose a wider threat to press freedom.
A major concern is the wave of sexist and misogynistic remarks directed at female journalists in the comment sections of these posts. Hate-driven rhetoric of this kind fuels hostility, encourages online harassment, and endangers the personal safety of media professionals, especially women in journalism.
We emphasize that threats, harassment, and incitement of violence against journalists are serious offenses under Criminal law in North Macedonia. Authoritie
Tamara Filipović, General Secretary of the Independent Association of Journalists of Serbia, stated: “We strongly denounce the ongoing attacks against journalists and media organizations in North Macedonia. Authorities must act decisively by investigating these threats and ensuring those responsible are held legally accountable.”
The SafeJournalists Network calls on public institutions and officials in North Macedonia to strongly condemn these attempts to intimidate and discredit independent media. Immediate action is needed to guarantee the security of affected journalists and to foster a safer and more open environment for media professionals.
We remain committed to closely monitoring the situation and standing in solidarity with our colleagues in North Macedonia in their fight to uphold press freedom and professional integrity.
The SafeJournalists Network will inform both national and international stakeholders about these troubling developments.
Any attack on journalists is an attack on democracy, public interest, and fundamental human rights.
Pristina – Skopje – Sarajevo – Zagreb – Belgrade – Podgorica, 27.02.2025
Association of Journalists of Kosovo
Association of Journalists of Macedonia
BH Journalists Association
Croatian Journalists’ Association
Independent Journalists Association of Serbia
Trade Union of Media of Montenegro