SafeJournalists Network

Project name: Safejournalists Network

Donor: European Commission

Implementation period: April 1, 2023 – August 1, 2026

IJAS Role: project leader

Budget: 1,444,339 EUR



The general goal of the Action is to contribute to the creation of a favorable environment in which freedom of expression is fully realized, while violence, threats and pressures on journalists are immediately recorded by law enforcement and judicial authorities, as well as publicly condemned by civil servants.



Specific objective(s), i.e. Outcome(s):


Outcome 1: An improved legal and institutional framework that protects the safety of journalists, freedom of expression and information – reflected in a number of relevant legal and policy changes, as well as an improved institutional response to investigate attacks on journalists in a timely and effective manner.


Outcome 2: The network of actors gathered around SafeJournalists advocates for sustainable solutions for the protection of female journalists and media professionals – which can be seen in the number of policy recommendations made in cooperation with women’s rights groups, as well as the expressed interest of key national and regional actors in this topic.


Outcome 3: Local journalists in the Western Balkans region are encouraged to demand their rights as a result of increased engagement of the SafeJournalists network with local civil society initiatives – as seen in the increased number of local journalists reporting violations of their rights through local organizations and the SafeJournalists platform.



Target group(s):

  1. National office bearers including representatives of relevant ministries, parliamentary groups, independent institutions, representatives, law enforcement and judicial authorities, etc.
  1. International actors who have the power to call for action and can influence the policy debate (EFJ, OSCE, RSF, etc.)
  1. Civil society organizations, including local organizations that support media and initiatives and non-governmental organizations for women’s rights
  1. Journalists with a special focus on female journalists and media professionals, as well as local journalists.

End users: Journalists (about 15,000) and citizens in the Western Balkans region



Expected results:


Result 1.1: Continued (and expanded) provision of evidence-based analysis and reporting on journalist safety and media freedoms, with a particular focus on women journalists, collected in a total of 22 annual reports from 7 countries presented at at least 21 national and regional events. 


Result 1.2: Strengthened capacities of at least 12 members of the SafeJournalists network for strategic advocacy on journalist safety and media freedoms at national and international levels, implementing at least five updated stakeholder power/influence matrices and appropriate strategies for engagement with key stakeholders


Result 1.3: Targeted stakeholders at national, regional and international levels encouraged to improve the legal and institutional framework, citing SafeJournalists findings in their reports and supporting policy solutions proposed by SafeJournalists members


Result 2.1: Increased capacity of the SafeJournalists network to carry out a detailed qualitative analysis of violence, threats and pressures suffered by female journalists and media professionals, which will be evidenced in 7 national reports prepared in cooperation with 20 civil society organizations and women’s rights experts


Result 2.2: At least 30 targeted national and regional actors, from civil society and independent institutions participating in dialogue to confront multiple violations of the rights of women journalists in a timely and effective manner


Result 3.1: Increased competences of 25 local organizations and initiatives, to detect and report violations of journalistic rights, as seen in basic reports made by beneficiaries of the subsidy scheme


Result 3.2: About 2000 local journalists who are informed about their rights and the help mechanisms they can ask local organizations and members of the SafeJournalists network through info sessions and targeted social media campaigns


Result 3.3: Minimum 20%* increase in the number of local journalists reporting violations of their rights using local contacts in local organizations and initiatives supported by the action (*compared to baseline)



Main activities:


The main activities within the Action include: monitoring, analysis and reporting; strategic advocacy towards key targeted national and international actors; capacity building (including SafeJournalists network members and civil society partners targeted by the sub-granting scheme) and networking – with local, regional and international actors to exchange knowledge and ideas.



Activities envisaged for the implementation of Outcome 1 include:


  1. i) monitoring, analysis and reporting – including regular updates of the SafeJournalists database, public reactions, open letters, policy briefs, preparation and publication of annual reports on journalist safety and media freedom, etc.,
  1. ii) building advocacy capacity with the aim of renewing stakeholder power/influence matrices and designing appropriate strategies on how to engage with key stakeholders,

iii) networking with key national partners and civil society allies i

  1. iv) strategic engagement with key actors of targeted national, regional and international stakeholders.


Activities foreseen for the realization of Outcome 2 include:


  1. i) monitoring, analysis and reporting on violations of the rights of female journalists,
  1. ii) networking with key groups for women’s rights and actors from independent institutions in order to identify and formulate sustainable solutions to improve the position of female journalists.



Activities envisaged for the implementation of Outcome 3 include:


  1. i) capacity building and financial support provided to local organizations,
  1. ii) preparation of local basic reports by local organizations with the support of the SafeJournalists network,

iii) info sessions for journalists and

  1. iv) social media campaigns aimed at journalists.


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