Top news and press relases

SafeJournalists: Investigations of Attacks on Journalists in Western Balkans Long and Ineffective

On the occasion of the International Human Rights Day, the SafeJournalists network, indicates that this year, for the most …

Coalition for Media Freedom: Last Moment for REM to Do its Job and Punish TV PINK

The Coalition for Media Freedom welcomes REM’s (Regulatory Authority for Electronic Media)  decision to initiate proceedings against TV PINK, …

SafeJournalists: Condemnation of Threats to Journalists in Montenegro and Kosovo

SafeJournalists network strongly condemns the threats to Vijesti television journalist Nikola Milosavic Aleksic in Montenegro, as well as to …

SafeJournalists and MFRR: Ruling against Investigative Reporting Lab and its editor in North Macedonia must be overturned

Decision by judge recommends that ministry shuts down one of the country’s leading investigative journalism platforms   The organisations …

SafeJournalists: Milorad Dodik Must Stop Targeting Journalists and Television N1

The President of Republika Srpska Milorad Dodik verbally attacked N1 television journalist Snezana Mitrovic at a press conference on …

Serbia: Journalists’ union leaders will meet Information Minister to tackle unlawful precarious work at Radio Television Vojvodina

The campaign, backed by the IFJ as part of its Union to Union (UTU) project, has exposed the unjust …

IJAS: Municipality of Surdulica to announce a competition for the media

IJAS Commissioner Radoman Irić says that he has spoken several times in the last three months with the leaders …

SafeJournalists Network Monitors Albanian Government Roadmap Addressing Safety of Journalists

The SafeJournalists Network has taken note of the Albanian Government’s initiation of the consultation process for the Roadmap to …

SafeJournalists: Do not hesitate! Report attacks and threats

On the occasion of the International Day to End Impunity for Crimes against Journalists, which is marked today, November …

Coalition for media freedom and CRTA: The government to guarantee that media laws will not be abused

Unfortunately, the members of the National Assembly of Serbia, in the proposals of the Law on Public Information and …