Top news and press relases

IJAS: We Demand Immediate Processing of Threats Directed at N1 Journalists and End to Pursuit of Critics of Government

The latest threats were sent to the journalists of the N1 television via the social network X. On yesterday’s …

SafeJournalists: Journalist Melita Vrsaljko Physically Attacked in Her Home in Croatia

Melita Vrsaljko, a journalist from Faktograf, was physically attacked yesterday in her own home in Nadin near Zadar.   …

SafeJournalists: Stop Malicious Campaign Against Independent Media in Serbia

Yesterday, three TV stations with national coverage broadcasted a manipulative video by an unknown author in which the independent …

IJAS: Ministry of Information Should Know that Censorship is Prohibited by Law

The Minister of Information and Telecommunications, Dejan Ristic, “strongly condemned the frightening and morbid views of Srdjan Skoro, expressed …

Serbia: journalist Andrei Gnyot must not be extradited to Belarus

Serbian authorities should not extradite Belarusian journalist Andrey Gniot to face criminal charges in Belarus and release him immediately. …

SafeJournalists and MFRR partners: KRIK journalists facing SLAPPs after publishing the profile of Judge Dušanka Đorđević in database

SafeJournalists Network (SJN) and partner organizations Media Freedom Rapid Response (MFRR) condemn the legal actions filed by Judge Dušanka …

IJAS: We Request Serbian Authorities not to Extradite Andrey Gnyot to Belarus

The High Court in Belgrade decided again to extradite Belarusian journalist and activist Andrey Gnyot to Belarus, which is …

SafeJournalists: Vandalism of QIKA’s Office in Pristina is Unacceptable

The logo of the non-governmental organization Center for Information, Criticism, and Action – QIKA from Pristina, which also operates …

Coalition for Media Freedom: We condemn the pressure on freedom of speech and the attempt to silence criticism

The former head of the Belgrade center of the State Security Department, Milan Radonjic, one of the four accused …

Coalition for Media Freedom: KRIK’s Verdict is Unfair, Urgent Adoption of Anti-SLAPP Recommendations is Necessary

The Court of Appeal in Belgrade confirmed the first-instance verdict by which KRIK was convicted of violating the presumption …