
SafeJournalists: Journalists Verbally Attacked in Albania 

Journalists from various media outlets were prevented from reporting and verbally attacked and threatened early this morning at the …

Boško Savković’s Arrest is an Unacceptable Limitation of the Right to Freedom of Expression and Intimidation of Citizens

On the occasion of the arrest of journalist, activist, director and lawyer, Boško Savković, who was ordered detention for …

SafeJournalists Network and MFRR Urgent Appeal: Protecting Journalists in Kosovo Amid Escalating Attacks

The current political developments in Kosovo have once again stirred up an atmosphere that hinders the ability of journalists …

IJAS: Unacceptable Interference in the Work of TV N1 Journalists

Independent Journalists’ Association of Serbia (IJAS) condemns the chase on N1 television, which has been intensified by the authorities …

Serbia: Legal harassment of investigative media outlet KRIK must stop

The legal harassment against Serbian investigative media outlet KRIK continues as the portal was convicted for reporting on a …

SafeJournalists: Journalists’ Safety at Stake in North of Kosovo

The current political occurrences in Kosovo have once more stirred up an atmosphere that has hindered the ability of …

Coalition for Media Freedom: Authorities to Stop Targeting Professional Media

The Coalition for Media Freedom strongly condemns the statements of the government representatives, Prime Minister Ana Brnabic and Serbian …

Journalists’ and Media Associations: We Request Initiation of Procedure for Dismissal of REM Council Members

Journalists’ and media associations and trade unions request the initiation of proceedings for the dismissal of members of the …

SafeJournalists: Dangerous Campaign Against Journalists and Editors of Novosti and Vida TV in Croatia

Journalists and editors of Novosti and Vida TV, the Croatian media of the Serbian national minority in Croatia, have …

SafeJournalists: Photojournalist Attacked in Serbia

Milan Supica, a photojournalist of the “Pancevac” newspaper, was physically attacked yesterday near his house in Pancevo, Serbia.   …