IJAS: Institutions to Urgently Respond to Inappropriate Speech of SNS City Committee in Vranje

Independent Journalists’ Association of Serbia (IJAS) considers the announcement of the City Committee of the Serbian Progressive Party (SNS) …

Brnabic blasts Nova daily

Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabic lashed out at the Nova daily newspaper over a headline saying that President Aleksandar …

State retaking control of media: What is the practice in Europe

Journalists’ associations are anxiously awaiting the continuation of the public debate on changes to two media laws, which open …

OSCE joins condemnation of threats against N1 television

The OSCE mission strongly condemned the hate speech and recent threats addressed to journalists, as well as to the …

Report warns of increasing number of attacks on journalists

A report by the Association of Independent Electronic Media (ANEM) said that the number of attacks on journalists was …

RSF says new Serbian law does not tackle unreliable news content

Reporters Without Borders (RSF) warned on Tuesday that the Serbian government’s draft law does not tackle unreliable news media …

PM Brnabic does press clipping again

Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabic said on X (formerly Twitter) that 39 negative articles about Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic …

Opposition presents demands to Serbian state TV

Representatives of the opposition assembled around the Serbia Against Violence protests presented four demands to Serbian state TV (RTS) …

IPI website under powerful DDoS attack

Dear IPI members, friends, and supporters,   You may have noticed that IPI’s website has been largely inaccessible over …

Hrkalovic accuses reporter of calling for lynch

A former senior Internal Affairs Ministry (MUP) official demanded a continuance in her law suit against an investigative news …