EU Council adopts watered-down position on anti-SLAPP directive

The Council of the European Union adopted today a common position (general approach) on the so-called Anti-SLAPP directive. This …

Appeal of Permanent Working Group for Safety of Journalists: Enable Unhindered Work at Public Gatherings

The permanent working group for the safety of journalists, in which representatives of journalistic and media associations cooperate with …

UK: Assange closer to extradition to the US after appeal rejected by High Court

In a judgement issued on 6 June, a High Court in the UK has rejected the latest appeal by …

Coalition for Media Freedom: Working Group for Amendments to the Law on Advertising without the Participation of Journalists and Media Associations

The Coalition for Freedom of the Media points to another failure of the Government of the Republic of Serbia …

Opposition-nominated REM member resigns

The only member of Serbia’s electronic media watchdog considered to be independent told N1 that she resigned from the …

North Macedonia: Press freedom mission finds fragile progress in need of further support

From 5-7 June 2023, the European Federation of Journalists (EFJ), European Centre for Press and Media Freedom (ECPMF), Free …

IJAS: Stop Hooligan threats Addressed to Brankica Stankovic

Independent Journalists’ Association of Serbia (IJAS) demands that the Prosecutor’s Office initiate an investigation and prosecute the hooligans who …

SafeJournalists: Journalists Verbally Attacked in Albania 

Journalists from various media outlets were prevented from reporting and verbally attacked and threatened early this morning at the …

UN Expert Alarmed By Rise In Serbia Hate Speech

A UN expert on Monday expressed alarm over an upsurge in hate speech in Serbia since two mass shootings …

Boško Savković’s Arrest is an Unacceptable Limitation of the Right to Freedom of Expression and Intimidation of Citizens

On the occasion of the arrest of journalist, activist, director and lawyer, Boško Savković, who was ordered detention for …