Serbia: REM’s awarding of TV licences underscores media pluralism and media diversity failure

Serbia’s Regulatory Body for Electronic Media (REM) has recently concluded the process of awarding four national FTA TV licences. …

Threats Cast Chill Over Serbia’s Media

Seated at a table with his wife and a colleague in the small town of Leskovac, Dragan Marinkovic was …

REM explains its decision on issue of national broadcasting licenses

The 14 applicants include Pink TV, National Happy TV, Vesti, BK TV, Una, Nova S, N1, Prva, TV B92, …

Russian journalist detained in Kosovo for espionage released from custody

Aslamova was declared persona non grata in Kosovo.   On Sunday morning, Aslamova contacted her newsroom, telling them that …

REM publishes detailed explanation for TV license decision

The 80+ page document said that TV Pink, Happy TV, Prva and TV B92 “will justify the multiple benefits …

Coalition for media freedom: REM has made its own existence pointless

Yesterday, REM (Regulatory authority for electronic media) published a short explanation regarding the decision to re-assign national coverage licenses …

Dead end or bridge to the future? Understanding the impacts of journalism in authoritarian regimes

Yet in the decade since I graduated from journalism school, my country has become an autocratic regime that violates human …

Russia: first step towards the liquidation of the journalists’ union

According to the indictment, JMWU was held responsible for the “spreading of ideas related to a negative attitude towards …

SJ: Threats to journalists of Radio Gorazdevac in Kosovo

After the article was published on the website Gorazdevac.com on August 4 about the suspension of D.B, the commander …

Milica Saric new director of CINS

The executive board of the Independent Journalists Association of Serbia (IJAS) accepted the resignation of Branko Cecen as director …