SJ: Threats against journalists in North Macedonia and Serbia    

Investigative Reporting Lab Macedonia (IRL) journalist Maja Jovanovska received threats by Head of the Department of Urbanism in the …

The prosecution urgently to process the threats against Brankica Stankovic

Civil society organizations gathered around the “Three Freedoms” platform are demanding that the prosecution launch an investigation and prosecute …

United Media: Outgoing PM trying to discredit media she doesn’t like

United Media said that statements like the one Brnabic made as an official of the executive branch of the …

IJAS: Sanction TV Pink because it continues to broadcast live violence on the program

Pink Television continues to broadcast violence in its reality program, and other media broadcast it without censorship.   Namely, …

French journalist for BFM TV Frédéric Leclerc-Imhoff killed in Ukraine

The Luhansk regional governor said on 30 May in the afternoon that the Russians shelled a car that was …

Who asked her for her opinion – women in the media in Serbia

Although they make up half of the population, women as subjects and sources of news are in only a …

IJAS: Court to sanction the attacker on the journalists of the Nova.rs portal

The journalist team of the Nova.rs portal was attacked again while reporting from the field. The case was reported …

IJAS: We demand an urgent reaction from the authorities regarding the chanting of Partizan fans against Brankica Stankovic

At the basketball game Partizan-Buducnost, which was played on May 22, the same chanting was heard again against the …

IJAS, Coalition for Freedom of the Media and AIEC: Ministry of Culture and Information misused the Institution of Independent Media Expert

According to them, this happened during the time of Minister Maja Gojkovic, as the Ministry continued to destroy the …

Unprofessional media coverage of the spread of monkeypox and linking it to the LGBTQ+ population is condemned

In recent weeks, there have been several cases of monkeypox infection in Europe, the United States, Australia and Canada. …