SJ: KRIK from Serbia received a death threat on Twitter

After they published a story about the police chief who ordered that the secret recording of Minister Nebojsa Stefanovic’s …

What is happening with the amendments to the Law on Public Information and Media – Tapping in place

The process of amendments to the Law on Public Information, after the initial enthusiastic flight, stopped somewhere. It is …

Coalition for Freedom of the Media: According to which criteria does Tanjug enter the first “European newsroom”?

According to available data, this is a newsroom that will be composed of reporters from 16 news agencies in …

SJ: Serbian photographer was beaten at a rally of the ruling party

The ruling party held a counter-protest yesterday in front of the Basic Public Prosecutor’s Office in Sabac,requesting “justice” for …

SJ: The safety of journalists in Serbia was endangered during the protests

N1 reporter Milan Nikic was attacked during a protest on the Kragujevac-Jagodina road in the village of Gornja Sabanta. …

N1 reporter files complaint after being attacked while covering protests

Nikic reported on the mass protests that took place across Serbia over the recent adoption of the new laws …

Belgrade police prevent journalists from covering protest; man hits reporter

But the police intervened by arresting several rightists who tried to prevent the activists from removing the graffiti.   …

Local trainers in the Western Balkans prepared to conduct online courses on “Freedom of Expression” and “Protection and Safety of Journalists”

The online courses on “Freedom of Expression” and “Protection and Safety of Journalists” have been developed by the joint …

SJ: Croatian journalist Drago Hedl threatened by husband of arrested former minister

In the action of the European Public Prosecutor’s Office in the Republic of Croatia, during the morning of the …

IJAS: Condemnation of a new hooligan attack on the team of N1 Television

A group of hooligans, who last night, in Njegoseva Street threatened the gathered citizens and shouted fascist and racist …