SJ: The brutal campaign against Lejla Turcilo and Borka Rudic from Sarajevo must stop

Two days ago, the BH Journalists Association published a statement condemning the media attacks, the same online portals (Sejl.org …

CoE registered an attack on the N1 team in Montenegro

The N1 team and reporter Aleksandra Tolj Ruzic were attacked while covering the protest. A group of young men …

Telekom Serbia takes over Posta Net cable and Internet provider

It said that the Post Office decided to stop providing cable telecommunications services under plans to improve the quality …

Human rights expert: Rise in intimidation of regime’s critics in Serbia

Sabic, the former Commissioner for Information of Public Interest, added that „the rise in the number of such incidents …

Belgrade appreciates OSCE support in media freedom, rule of law, Vucic says

A statement from Vucic’s office said that the OSCE Mission head Jan Bratu and the President talked about the …

Pertaining to working on the new Law on Public Information and Media

Media Association, ANEM, AOM, IJAV, IJAS, Local Press, Transparency Serbia and JAS have accepted the goals defined in the …

SJ: Dangerous threats toward journalist Aleksandar Stankov

Namely, the harassment of our colleague Stankov started even earlier in the spring, after Juzne vesti published an article …

SJ: The N1 team in Montenegro attacked while reporting from the protest in Cetinje

N1 reporter Aleksandra Tolj Ruzic did a live broadcast to show the chaotic situation on the streets of Cetinje. …

IJAS: Continuous verbal attacks and insults of journalists by head public officials must stop

Namely, the Minister of Health, Zlatibor Loncar, during the opening of the Covid Hospital in Novi Sad, got into …

MEPs expand scope of protection against SLAPP law suits

“The committees agreed to include in the scope of protection media organisations, publishers, human rights and environmental activists next …