
IPI: Convicted killers of journalist Slavko Ćuruvija must not be acquitted

IPI renews call for justice to be secured as speculation mounts about potential acquittals   The International Press Institute …

Danas daily targeted by right-wing organization

Danas daily and its editor in chief Dragoljub Petrovic were targeted by a right-wing organization a day after the …

Croatian journalists’ organisations signed new cooperation agreement with the police

A new Cooperation agreement was signed on 22 September 2023 between the Croatian Ministry of the Interior, the Croatian …

Danas threatened with arson attack

The Danas daily received threats via Facebook in a comment on its article entitled “What is the role of …

Brnabic blasts Nova daily

Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabic lashed out at the Nova daily newspaper over a headline saying that President Aleksandar …

State retaking control of media: What is the practice in Europe

Journalists’ associations are anxiously awaiting the continuation of the public debate on changes to two media laws, which open …

OSCE joins condemnation of threats against N1 television

The OSCE mission strongly condemned the hate speech and recent threats addressed to journalists, as well as to the …

Report warns of increasing number of attacks on journalists

A report by the Association of Independent Electronic Media (ANEM) said that the number of attacks on journalists was …

RSF says new Serbian law does not tackle unreliable news content

Reporters Without Borders (RSF) warned on Tuesday that the Serbian government’s draft law does not tackle unreliable news media …

PM Brnabic does press clipping again

Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabic said on X (formerly Twitter) that 39 negative articles about Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic …