
Serbian President offends N1

An N1 reporter asked him about demands by Croatian politicians to put him on trial for alleged war mongering …

Media Freedom Rapid Response III (MFRR) will continue for 18 months

In 2020 and 2021, the consortium – which also included the Institute of Applied Informatics at the University of …

Turkey 2021 Media Monitoring Report: 80% of journalists think their work is increasingly worthless

According to the Media Monitoring Report, “in 2021, no steps were taken for the betterment of the conditions troubling freedom …

Montenegro: SMCG launched new video series on collective bargaining

Each of the ten episodes will offer insights into the trade union world. Using a combination of traditional and …

Sexism, ethnic hate speech and hate speech against the LGBTQ+ community present throughout the Western Balkan region

Sexism, misogyny and hate speech towards women and the LGBTQ+ community, as well as hate speech based on ethnicity, …


Without media freedom and an independent journalistic profession, it is not possible to hear the voices of the disenfranchised …

SafeJournalists: Endangered safety of journalist in Croatia

Through the Telegram application, Sidorov reacted to the announcement of their threats to Haidar Diab and, among other things, …

Serbia ranked lowest in region on World Press Freedom Index

According to the 2022 World Press Freedom Index rankings, Serbia has advanced 14 places but its average grade was lower – …

EU Anti-SLAPP Initiative Encouraging: all eyes on Member States

Commenting on the need of the directive Vera Jourova, Vice-President of the European Commission for Values and Transparency said: “It …

WPFD: EFJ calls on European governments to protect journalism

Cases of spying on journalists and media workers using sophisticated spyware programs have multiplied in recent years all over …