
Serbian media watchdog says remarks against Tepic were discriminatory

The Regulatory Body for Electronic Media (REM) said in a report that the statements by war-time paramilitary leader Dragoslav Bokan …

What is happening with the amendments to the Law on Public Information and Media – Tapping in place

The process of amendments to the Law on Public Information, after the initial enthusiastic flight, stopped somewhere. It is …

N1 reporter files complaint after being attacked while covering protests

Nikic reported on the mass protests that took place across Serbia over the recent adoption of the new laws …

Belgrade police prevent journalists from covering protest; man hits reporter

But the police intervened by arresting several rightists who tried to prevent the activists from removing the graffiti.   …

Local trainers in the Western Balkans prepared to conduct online courses on “Freedom of Expression” and “Protection and Safety of Journalists”

The online courses on “Freedom of Expression” and “Protection and Safety of Journalists” have been developed by the joint …

SNS deputy leader sues Nova S authors for slander, insults

The lawsuit specified that on December 2, 2020, the authors said Sapic’s organisation ‘Be Humane” phone number was registered …

Is Serbia introducing jail time for words and thoughts?

The changes were officially proposed to „additionally protect journalists,“ but Lawyer Bozo Prelevic told N1 it was „a perfidious …

Public call for CSO Support Program “”

The network SafeJournalists, whose members are the Independent Journalists Association of Serbia, Association of BH Journalists, Croatian Journalists Association, …

Belgrade happy with EC ‘limited progress’ report

Both were happy with parts of the report saying Serbia made limited progress in some areas but did not …

EWB: EC warns of Serbia’s slow progress in fighting organised crime&corruption

The EC’s annual report covering the period from October 2020 to October 2021 also said that the Council of …