Press releases

Coalition for Media Freedom: REM to demonstrate its independence and respect of media freedom

In its Report on Serbia’s progress in the implementation of reforms and European integration, the European Commission noted what …

Journalists and media associations: Investigate who in the Ministry of Internal Affairs (MUP) hid evidence in the “Dragojlo Blagojevic case”

Journalists’ and media associations demand that the authorities determine who is responsible for hiding key evidence in the case …

SafeJournalists: Inadmissible behavior of judicial authorities in the case of an attack on a journalist in Montenegro

The SafeJournalists network is concerned about the inadequate action of the judicial authorities in the case of the attack …

SafeJournalists: Stop continuous attacks on journalist Hadzifejzovic and his family in BiH

Editor of Sarajevo-based Face Television, Senad Hadzifejzovic, has been a victim of verbal attacks and insults by the Party …

Coalition for Media Freedom: “Informer” Violated the Serbian Journalists’ Code of Ethics

The Coalition for Media Freedom strongly condemns the decision of the “Informer” daily to publish an interview with the …

Albania: Media must not face criminal prosecution for public interest reporting

Media freedom groups raise concern over heavy-handed response   The undersigned media freedom and journalist associations today express our …

SJ: Competent authorities to sanction those responsible for threats to journalist in Serbia

During the night or early morning of September 20, an unknown assailant (or assailants) left two funeral wreaths at …

IJAS: Authorities to sanction attackers on journalists who reported from Saturday gatherings

The Independent Journalists’ Association of Serbia (IJAS) welcomes the decision of the Higher Public Prosecutor’s Office to take all …

Platform “Three Freedoms”: Disgraceful decision of the police to ban the EuroPride march

Civil society organizations gathered around the “Three Freedoms” Platform consider the police’s decision to ban the EuroPride march scheduled …

Albania: Press freedom groups call for a fair trial in defamation lawsuit by former top prosecutor against Isa Myzyraj

The undersigned media freedom and freedom of expression organisations and journalist unions and associations are highly concerned by the …