Press releases

SJ: Albanian reporter Ledio Guni physically attacked in Tirana

He was sent on duty to report live from the event, but while he was filming with his camera …

SJ: The mother of Serbian journalist Nenad Kulacin was threatened that her son should be hanged

Nenad Kulacin says that “she was a guest at the house before that man appeared and said that he …

SJ: Insidious targeting of journalists by the Croatian weekly “Hrvatski tjednik”

Journalist Branimir Pofuk, who reported to the police and the Croatian Journalists’ Association, felt directly threatened, but other journalists …

Impunity and tolerance of online violence against journalists by BiH judiciary and police are unacceptable

Jasmin Mulahusic published on his profile post in which he describes one of his bizarre dreams, and explains that …

Condemnation of the attack on Zoran Sekulić and the N1 TV crew

After appearing on N1 morning tv show, Zoran Sekulic received a threatening and insulting message via the social network …

The draft Law on Internal Affairs threatens a wide range of human rights

The new Draft Law on Internal Affairs, if passed in its current form, will undermine the achieved level of …

SJ: Shameful behavior of Serbian and Albanian state officials towards journalists during Angela Merkel’s visit

On both days, during a press conference, some media outlets and journalists were denied the right to ask questions …

SJ: The brutal campaign against Lejla Turcilo and Borka Rudic from Sarajevo must stop

Two days ago, the BH Journalists Association published a statement condemning the media attacks, the same online portals ( …

Pertaining to working on the new Law on Public Information and Media

Media Association, ANEM, AOM, IJAV, IJAS, Local Press, Transparency Serbia and JAS have accepted the goals defined in the …

SJ: Dangerous threats toward journalist Aleksandar Stankov

Namely, the harassment of our colleague Stankov started even earlier in the spring, after Juzne vesti published an article …