SafeJournalists: Death threats to newsroom N1 in Serbia
The director of Television N1 Serbia, Igor Bozic, confirmed that this is another one in a series of threats that
The director of Television N1 Serbia, Igor Bozic, confirmed that this is another one in a series of threats that
Blerjana Bino, Safe Journalists researcher in Albania, stated that “this is particularly sensitive case because Demushaj is a very young
The lawsuit specified that on December 2, 2020, the authors said Sapic’s organisation ‘Be Humane” phone number was registered to
The changes were officially proposed to „additionally protect journalists,“ but Lawyer Bozo Prelevic told N1 it was „a perfidious manoeuvre
Project title: Freelance journalists “freed” from all rights Donor: Ministry of Culture and Information Realization time: 01.06.2021-31.12.2021.
The threats were sent from the account „Autosovinizam voc ponistenog Dzendera Vukadinovica“ on Twitter, behind which, we justifiably doubt, stands
Demonstrators approached Ivan Mitic, journalist of media KoSSev, on several occasions and tried to stop him from filming events on
On both days, during a press conference, some media outlets and journalists were denied the right to ask questions or
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