
Media pluralism at risk: Europe needs a stronger EMFA

The results of the 2023 Media Pluralism Monitor (MPM), which have just been published, confirm the decline in media …

SafeJournalists: Public Threats of Violence Against Journalists and Media Workers, Presented in a TV Show in North Macedonia

Ognen Janeski, a journalist from the Macedonian private television station TV 24, on June 27, in two live TV …

Citizens’ associations: Gašić and Vulin’s resignations are the first step towards a fundamental reform of the Serbian security system

The network of associations of citizens, journalists and media standing up against violence, that supports the civil demands of …

IJAS joins call to EU Council to reconsider EMFA spyware position

Sixty two journalist organisations and civil society groups sign joint letter to EU Council   Independent Journalists’ Association of …

SafeJournalists: Cameraman Attacked in Kosovo, Suffered Serious Injuries

The cameraman of Radio Television of Kosovo, Bardh Bekteshi, today was physically assaulted while reporting from Leposavic.   As …

SafeJournalists: Independent Media Commission in Kosovo Should not Revoke Media License to KLAN KOSOVA

The Ministry of Industry, Entrepreneurship and Trade on Wednesday suspended the operating license of the private national television Klan …

IJAS: Institutions to Urgently React to Hate Speech Directed Against Info-Vranjske Portal

Independent Journalists’ Association of Serbia (IJAS) finds inadmissible the announcement of the city committee of the Serbian Progressive Party …

SafeJournalists: Safety of Journalists in Kosovo Still Threatened

During the course of yesterday, in Zvecan and Mitrovica North, several incidents took place in which journalists were attacked …

Appeal of Permanent Working Group for Safety of Journalists: Enable Unhindered Work at Public Gatherings

The permanent working group for the safety of journalists, in which representatives of journalistic and media associations cooperate with …

IJAS: Stop Hooligan threats Addressed to Brankica Stankovic

Independent Journalists’ Association of Serbia (IJAS) demands that the Prosecutor’s Office initiate an investigation and prosecute the hooligans who …