Coalition for Media Freedom: Verdict on KRIK – Verdict on Freedom of Expression of Journalists

The Coalition for Media Freedom expresses concern over the first-instance verdict against KRIK, which accepted the plaintiff’s claim for …

Serbian electronic media regulator’s report in parliament

The Serbian parliament is debating a report by the Regulatory Body for Electronic Media (REM) which covers the period …

SafeJournalists: Online Attacks on Journalist because of Article about Patriarch

The Safejournalist network demands from the police and the Prosecutor’s Office to find all the persons who sent threats …

Pro-regime tabloid reveals names of Guardian sources

The Nova.rs portal said on Tuesday that pro-regime Belgrade tabloid Informer reported that staff at a Belgrade think-tank are …

IPI, BFMI and IJAS: EU Institutions to Clearly State that Serbia Risks Losing Access to Funds

The International Press Institute (IPI), the Balkan Free Media Initiative (BFMI) and the Independent Journalists’ Association of Serbia (IJAS) …

EFJ Annual Meeting: Journalists’ organisations step up commitment to safety of journalists

The European Federation of Journalists (EFJ) held its Annual Meeting in The Hague, Netherlands, on 11-12 May 2023. Organised …

In support to end the impunity of crimes against journalists and targeting of journalists in Serbia

Although the Republic of Serbia has undertaken some concrete steps, safety of the journalists has not improved, numerous attacks …

IJAS: Targeting of Journalists Must Stop

Independent Journalists’ Association of Serbia (IJAS) strongly condemns the targeting of the media Danas, Nova S and N1 in …

Ukraine: AFP journalist Arman Soldin killed in shelling attack

Journalist Arman Soldin was killed in the afternoon of 9 May 2023 in a shelling attack near Chasiv Yar, …

REM member against dismissal, ban on reality shows: It’s not that simple

Member of the Regulatory Authority for Electronic Media (REM) Council Judita Popovic told N1 that reality shows are not …