Serbian President offends N1

An N1 reporter asked him about demands by Croatian politicians to put him on trial for alleged war mongering …

Serbia: Tendering process of national FTA TV licences must be open and transparent

On 15th April 2022, Serbia’s Regulatory Electronic Media (REM) opened a tendering call for four national TV licences, which …

Media Freedom Rapid Response III (MFRR) will continue for 18 months

In 2020 and 2021, the consortium – which also included the Institute of Applied Informatics at the University of …

Turkey 2021 Media Monitoring Report: 80% of journalists think their work is increasingly worthless

According to the Media Monitoring Report, “in 2021, no steps were taken for the betterment of the conditions troubling freedom …

Montenegro: SMCG launched new video series on collective bargaining

Each of the ten episodes will offer insights into the trade union world. Using a combination of traditional and …

Sexism, ethnic hate speech and hate speech against the LGBTQ+ community present throughout the Western Balkan region

Sexism, misogyny and hate speech towards women and the LGBTQ+ community, as well as hate speech based on ethnicity, …

IJAS: Inadmissible report on a deceased person of some newsrooms

The Independent Journalists’ Association of Serbia (IJAS) strongly condemns today’s tabloid reporting on the deceased person whose body was …

IJAS: Courts must ensure the uninterrupted work of journalists

021.rs portal journalist Dragana Prica Kovacevic and interested citizens who wanted to follow yesterday’s trial of “Let’s Defend the …

SJ: Threats against blogger, columnist and activist from Bosnia and Herzegovina Srdjan Puhalo

Dozens of threats to Puhalo were mostly directed from various user profiles on Twitter. In those threats, Puhalo was …


Without media freedom and an independent journalistic profession, it is not possible to hear the voices of the disenfranchised …